- You name and where are you from 🤗
Sandra Artiles, and I am from the Dominican Republic living in Miami.
- When did you come to Egypt and for how long?
I was in Egypt for 3 weeks in September 2021. We visited
Alexandria, Cairo, Port Said, and Suez CANAL.

-What places had you visited in Egypt ?
In Cairo, we went to El.Azar Mosque. MUSEUM OF History in Cairo ... khan el.Khakili Market. Citadel. DOWNTOWN. New Cairo.

- What was the best place and worst place?
El.Azhar Mosque for me was the most touching place. The pyramids were a dream come true. I can't remember a bad place.

-What was the worst experience you had in Egypt?
I had no bad experiences
- What was the positive thing about Egpyt, that you didn't expect to find.
The best thing about Egypt was their kindness. The lovely people.
-Did you feel safe in Egypt?
Omg! Security and safety. Amazing. I never felt threatened. Nobody looked at your cell phone. Or wallet... with envy. All the opposite. Everyone was humble.

I agree with every answer Sandra had on her experience! Egypt is awesome and the hospitality is above an beyond excellent. I can't wait to return. I can't believe its been almost a year since I was there! There is still so much for me to see and experience. And see my friends again of course!😉